Within this photograph can be seen
Holdenhurst Farmhouse and Magdalen Cottage. This ancient thatched and beamed
cottage with bricked up windows at the rear, was probably built before 1670
when a window tax was levied on houses with more than six windows, to the left
is Hockey's Barn once hidden by the now felled Conker tree. To the right of
Magdalen Cottage is the Dairymans' Cottage (hidden by a large bush). A short
narrow lane known as 'Sterte Lane' in times gone by and now renamed 'Sturt'
Lane so as not to confuse the Emergency Services with a 'Sterte Lane' in Poole,
devides the two properties. Fisherman use this route to access the banks of the
Stour. Click on Magdalen Cottage to see the historic
little building which is situated at the rear! |