Dinosaur Footprints Ammonites Fossil Fish Trilobite Fossils Giant Sharks Tooth Fossil Dragonfly & Starfish Dinosaur Nest with Eggs
Dinosaur Footprints
Jurassic Fossil Features for your Garden
These items are not available anywhere else in the world and are unique to Classic Jurassic of Dorset UK
Megalosaurus footprints
{short description of image}
Tyrannosaurus Rex footprint - Both make an ideal and novelty Bird Bath
Total Measurements for Megalosaurus footprints: 31cms x 21cms x 4cms - Price £14.99 per pair
Total Measurements for single large Tyrannosaur Footprint: 50cms x 30cms x 8cms - Price £14.99 for one
Postage & Packing is advised for both sizes - Discounts given for more than one but collection is preferred
Payment is via Cheque - Internet Banking or PayPal - Please email for preference
Advise will be given on despatch and delivery times and thank you for looking.
Each piece has been reproduced from a copyright original sculpture by Dorset sculptor Kim Leachman
and finished in frost and waterproofed concrete based material
Dinosaur Footprints Ammonites Fossil Fish Trilobite Fossils Giant Sharks Tooth Fossil Dragonfly & Starfish Dinosaur Nest with Eggs
Stuart Hiscock: 0781 574 6394 Homepage Kim Leachman: 0759 454 7845